Regions of Slovakia
Note: The names of the regions are given in adjectival form, normally followed by kraj (region). The regions were established on 24 Jul 1996 and in Dec 2001 self-government bodies were created and elected for the first time, effective 1 Jan 2002. The self-governing regions are headed by a chairmen (predseda). Party abbreviations: Ind = Independent;
KDH = Krest'anskodemokratické
Hnutie (Christian Democratic Movement,
christian-democratic, est.23 Feb 1990);
LSNS = L'udová Strana Naše Slovensko (People's
Party - Our Slovakia, nationalist, far-right, populist,
Eurosceptic, est.21 Feb 2010); OLaNO
= Obyčajní L'udia a Nezávislé Osobnosti (Ordinary
People and Independent Personalities, liberal
conservative, est.28 Oct 2011); SaS =
Sloboda a Solidarita (Freedom and Solidarity,
Center-right, soft Eurosceptic, est.27 Feb 2009); SDKU-DS
= Slovenská Demokratická a Krest'anská
Únia–Demokratická Strana (Slovak
Democratic and Christian Union-Democratic Party,
christian-democratic, formerly SDKU and
DS, est.21 Jan 2006); SDS = Strana
Demokratického Slovenska (Democratic Party of Slovakia,
former LS-HzDS, est.5 Mar 2014); Smer-SD
= Smer-Sociálna Demokracia ('Direction'-Social
Democracy, social democratic, to to 1 Jan 2005 known
as Smer [Tretia Cesta] or Direction [Third Way],
center-left, social conservative, social democratic,
soft Euroscepticism, Russophile, split from SDL, est.8
Nov 1999); Banskobystrický (Banská Bystrica)
Chairmen Bratislavský (Bratislava)
Chairmen Košický (Košice)
Chairmen Nitriansky (Nitra)
Chairman Prešovský (Prešov)
Chairmen Trenčiansky (Trenčín)
Chairmen Trnavský (Trnava)
Chairmen Žilinský (Žilina)
Chairmen © Ben Cahoon |