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Nicaragua Autonomous Regions

Autonomous Regions: North Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region - South Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region -

Party abbreviations: FSLN = Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional (Sandinist National Liberation Front, socialist, est.1961); PLC = Partido Liberal Constitucionalista (Liberal Constitutionalist Party, liberal conservative, est.1968); PSC = Partido Social Cristiano (Social Christian Party, est.1957); Yatama = Yapti Tasba Masraka Nanih Aslatakanka ("Sons of Mother Earth", Miskito Indian regionalist, est.1988);
- Former parties:
UNO = Unión Nacional Opositora (National Opposition Union, anti-Sandinista coalition incl. PLC, 1990-1996)

Costa Caribe Norte (North Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region)

[Autonomous Region of
                Atlantico Norte (Nicaragua)]

30 Oct 1987                Statute of Autonomy for the Regions of Nicaragua's 
                             Atlantic Coast passed.
 4 May 1990                North Atlantic Autonomous Region government takes office
                             (Región Autónoma del Atlántico Norte).
31 Mar 2016                Renamed North Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region
                             (Región Autónoma de la Costa Caribe Norte).

Coordinators of the Regional Government ("governors")
 4 May 1990 - 1992         Leonel Panting Wilson              (b. 1950)            UNO
1992 -  4 May 1994         Alfonso Smith Warman                                    PSC
 4 May 1994 - May 1996     Marcos Hopintong Scott                                  Yatama
May 1996 -  4 May 1998     Stedman Fagoth Muller              (b. 1949)            PLC
 4 May 1998 -  4 May 2002  Alba Rivera de Vallejos (f)        (b. 1931)            PLC
 4 May 2002 -  4 May 2006  Hurtado García Becker                                   Yatama
 4 May 2006 -  4 May 2010  Reynaldo Francis Watson                                 Yatama
 4 May 2010 -  4 May 2012  Mara Rivas William (f)                                  Yatama
 4 May 2012 -  4 May 2014  Evelyn Taylor Irías (f)                                 Yatama+FSLN
 4 May 2014 -              Carlos José Alemán Cunningham                           FSLN

Costa Caribe Sur (South Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region)

[Autonomous Region of Costa
                Caribe Sur (Nicaragua)]

30 Oct 1987                Statute of Autonomy for the Regions of Nicaragua's 
                             Atlantic Coast passed.
 4 May 1990                South Atlantic Autonomous Region government takes office
                             (Región Autónoma del Atlántico Sur).
31 Mar 2016                Renamed South Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region
                             (Región Autónoma de la Costa Caribe Sur).

Coordinators of the Regional Government ("governors")
 4 May 1990 -  4 May 1994  Alvin Guthrie Rivers               (b. 1946)            UNO
 4 May 1994 -  4 May 1998  Rayfield Wayne Hodgson Bobb                             PLC
 4 May 1998 - Apr 2001     Randolph Noel Hodgson Jullit                            PLC
Apr 2001 -  4 May 2002     Rendell Hebert López                                    PLC
 4 May 2002 - 24 Aug 2002  Raúl Martínez Medina                                    PLC 
24 Aug 2002 - Sep 2004     Guy Crosby Cox Wallace                                  PLC
Sep 2004 -  4 May 2006     Alejandro Mejía Gaitán                                  PLC
 4 May 2006 -  4 May 2008  Paulo Santos Avendaño Zapata                            PLC
 4 May 2008 -  4 May 2012  Yadira Esperanza Flores Reyes (f)                       PLC
 4 May 2012 -  1 Dec 2016  Domingo José Truesdale Hodgson     (b. 1956?)           FSLN
 1 Dec 2016 -  4 May 2019  Shaira Natasha Downs Morgan (f)    (b. 1984)            FSLN
 4 May 2019 -              Rubén López Espinoza                                    FSLN

© Ben Cahoon